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Festivals in Batam

Batam Wonderfood Ramadhan

When: 10 April – 2 May 2021

Daily from April 10 – May 2 from 3 pm – 9 pm | @Dang Anom Park, Jalan Sudirman, Baloi Park, which is (on the edge of the flyover flyover bridge Laluan Madani, Batam Center)

Organized by the Batam City Government (Pemko) through the Batam City Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar),

A total of 56 culinary stands will participate, consisting of 32 culinary stands for Batam City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM), 12 MSME stands assisted by Batam City Disbudpar, and 12 stands representing 12 sub-districts in Batam City and a coffee corner.

The food displayed varies, both from traditional food and food that is currently hits or the present, which is considered suitable for the nuances of Ramadan, said Head of the Culture and Tourism Office (Kadisbudpar) Ardiwinata, Sunday (4/4/2021).

This Ramadan bazaar will also be enlivened with various artistic attractions. “Apart from culinary delights, there will also be cultural bucu, various traditional games, live dodol cooking, betta fish exhibition, painting exhibition, ornamental fish exhibition and so on,” he explained.

Various competitions will also be held, such as painting competitions, religious singing competitions. The organizers will also provide a stage complete with sound that can be used by anyone who wants to celebrate, such as communities, associations, and so on and of course for free.

“Apart from that, prayer rooms, toilets, and sitting areas are also provided. And also the iftar package together if there are individuals or groups who want to break the fast together, “he said.

Instagram zone facilities will be built in the event area, so that visitors really feel the atmosphere of Balek Kampong.
“Every day the Ramadan Bazaar will be open from 15.00-21.00 WIB, he said.”

On this occasion, Ardiwinata appreciates the tourism association which has stated its participation in enlivening the event. Batam City Indonesian (Original) Landscape Arts Association, Batu Aji Coret-Coret, Batam City Indonesian Professional Chefs Association (PCPI), Batam City Indonesian Restaurant Association, musicians, Batam City cultural observers, and hotels.

“Alhamdulillah, this activity will have a flower exhibition, competitions and cultural attractions,” he said.

The Mayor of Batam, Muhammad Rudi, chose the location of the park because it has several instagramable photo spots, including eagle wings, 11-meter tall ornamental towers, decorative umbrellas and other supporting facilities so that it is suitable to be a place for taking selfies and breaking the fast with family, friends, or co-workers.

“Dang Anom Park will be a fun place to hang out while enjoying takjil during Ramadan,” he explained.

Not only that, this park has decorative lights that are turned on so that Batam people can see the beautiful Batam atmosphere at night. Ardi emphasized that these activities took place by implementing health protocols according to government recommendations, namely wearing masks, washing hands with soap and hand sanitizer, and maintaining distance. (*)

Visit website | For the Bazar call Ezy | For general info call Murni

Batam Great Sale

When: October

The Batam Great sale with discounts of up to 70% for one month. This simultaneous discount in Batam City was attended by 9 malls and 218 tenants. Among them are Mall Botania 2, DC Mall, Kepri Mall, Nagoya Hill, Batam City Square, Mega Mall, Panbil Mall, Grand Mall, and Bayfront Mall. This program will be a routine agenda of the Batam City Tourism Office and can be enjoyed by the community every year.

Batam International Culture Carnival BICC

When: November – December

Showcasing the diversity of multi-ethnic cultures that built this modern city, this carnival invites delegates from other countries to attend. This event is also enriched with music concerts, great sales, and contemporary art exhibitions between nations.

Carnaval Batam Batik Fashion Week

When: June

A variety of clothes with batik nuances from the city of Batam were worn by beautiful models on the Batam Batik Catwalk Fashion Week.

Imlek Festival & Barongsai Show

When: January – February

Chinese New Year Eve Celebration is a regular program in Batam city. This event will present a variety of typical Batam and Chinese new Year culinary delights. Batam is indeed Synonymous with its culinary wealth, such as sago noodles, Tarempa noodles, Gong gong,  Luti Gendang, Bika Bakar, Bilis Molen.

Kenduri Seni Melayu

When: November

Kenduri Seni Melayu is held regularly every year to celebrate the birthday of Batam city. The cultural festival in Batam shows the typical Malay culture of both the Riau Islands and mainland Riau as the homeland of the Malays. Even though the name is Kenduri Seni Melayu, in its implementation, it does not only display Malay art, but also other cultures that exist in Indonesia. The Festival of Malay Arts was also attended by participants from neighboring countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam.”

Lomba Jong

When: February 14-16

This jong competition is a traditional Malay sport, This event will also be enlivened by food or culinary bazaar by the local community.

Tanjung Mak Dara Beach, Kampung Melayu, Batu Besar, Nongsa on February 14-16.

Nongsa Regatta

When: January – February

The international sailing boat race will be held again at Nongsa Point Marina & Resort. The Nongsa Neptune Regatta, a family-friendly race and convoy boating event to the Equator and back. An island-hopping style suitable for sailing and powerboats of all sizes, be it beginners or experienced sailors.

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Kampung Terih

When: December

As has been done by the people of  Kampung Terih, Kelurahan Sambau, Nongsa District, Batam, Riau Islands (Kepri). Mandi Safar itself is a cultural ritual that aims to fortify yourself from the 360 ​​thousand reinforcements that Allah sent down on that day.

Tourism Calendar Batam

Districts of Batam